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A little talk with Eva Čejková

Or rather little talk and shove into her closets. In the summer, Eva contacted me saying that she had moved and that she would like me to ...
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eva cejkova a holka ze skrine

My first online article is out!

Nice day to you all! If you have a moment and missed my interview in Breakfast at Nova, you can read about me and my project in a new ...
Číst více 
holka ze skrine, kristyna slavev, organizace domacnosti, uklizeny domov, skrin na miru

Breakfast at Nova TV

My first interview and straight to TV. It was a challenge, but Bara Simkova believed in me and the boys Johan and Ondra held up brilliantly. Who would ...
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Kristýna Slavev v TV Nova, snidane s novou kristyna slavev

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