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Where to donate clothes?

You’ve already sorted your closet, but you don’t know where to sell or donate clothes? I have put together a list of my favorite thrift stores or charities, ...
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sekace v praze, charita v praze, trideni satniku

Spring wardrobe refresh

And how to finally have something to wear. Right now you have a great opportunity to prepare your wardrobe for spring and let yourself have a new fresh energy. ...
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jarni uklid skrine

Closet makeover that shocked

My client and I suspected that this closet makeover would arouse emotions. But what we didn’t know and what took our breath away after posting the first reel ...
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trideni satniku, holka ze skrine

My top 5 IKEA closet organizers

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably already know that organizers I shop most often at IKEA. And since you wrote me you didn’t know what type ...
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ikea organizery do skrine

10 tips for Christmas gifts

Which will please not only lovers of order and organization, but also fashion and style lovers ✨⁠ So if you don’t know what to give, take a look ...
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originalni vanocni darky

2 best ways to fold sweaters

Fall is here and with it my favorite sweater season. There is also a taboo question associated with sweaters, and that is – do you belong to the ...
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slozeni svetru

Closet refresh with Aki Votrubová

That’s how it is when a friend recommends a great photographer to you, you get along and about half a year later you’re organizing her closet :)⁠⁠Aki has a beautiful big wardrobe, ...
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refresh skrine u aki

Cedar wood against moths

Wood smells beautifully… especially cedar! But not to wardrobe moths. For them, its aroma acts as a strong, yet purely natural, repellent. Substances contained in cedar wood kill ...
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cedrové dřevo do skrine

How to fold wide-leg jeans?

You are interested in folding jeans and especially in how to fold jeans with wide legs. And since some people like to put them on shelves, some ...
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slozeni sirokych dzinu

Closet makeover with Bára Šimková

It started with an invitation to Breakfast with Nova and ended up in Bara’s closet 🙂 We made a lot of noise in the wardrobe, but it was already ...
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trideni satniku, holka ze skrine

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